Green Envy

I'm not sure whether the correct analogy is Alice through the looking glass or down the rabbit hole, however since serendipity kicked me into the garden blog domain I've become a plant voyeur. Perhaps I should re-phrase that to "virtual garden visitor" as I always feel that I'm invited into bloggers' gardens rather than sneakily… Continue reading Green Envy

Gardening Dilemmas 1

The Shelter Belt Catch-22 During my daily (weather permitting) garden perambulation I always have a careful look at my shelter belts and depending on my mood I either sigh, weep or rant and rave. Today is windy but we have sunshine and so my shrubs got a smile of encouragement. When we first arrived one… Continue reading Gardening Dilemmas 1

Opening the garden gate

I can't even remember what I was searching for but by the magic of Google algorithms I ended up at Blotanical and I'm now taking my first hesitant steps along the garden blogging path. I am content as a solitary gardener - there is just me, the wind, the rain, the wildlife, the sea and… Continue reading Opening the garden gate